Hot off -The Plant Press- How to track native and exotic plants using your cell phone – and a plea for LifeSnap

Please take a look at our last article for the general public on the LeafSnap Project – using data collected by citizen scientists to track distributions of native and exotic plants. Although LeafSnap was designed to identify trees in the Northeastern United States, citizen scientists are aiming to identify plants all over the world using this mobile app.

We were amazed by the immense number LeafSnap users all over the world. There is no doubt that a global LeafSnap app to identify every single species of plant on earth will be a great success.

Or even better… can you imagine having in your cell phone “LifeSnap“, an app that can identify all life on earth? Shape recognition, artificial neural networks and other deep learning technologies will make this possible in the near future.

The article is hot off “The Plant Press“, the newsletter of the Department of Botany – Smithsonian Institution. You can click on the image to read the full issue. We want to thank The Plant Press Editor, Gary Krupnick !



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